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CAC展览,We = Link项目



“We=Link”于2020年3月30日发布了第一个线上展览:“We=link,十个小品”。展示了来自艺术家aaajiao、泰佳·布莱恩&山姆·拉文、JODI、李维伊、史莱姆引擎和叶甫纳、埃文·罗斯、赫尔穆特·史密斯、Yangachi与拉斐尔·巴斯迪德的作品。“We=link,十个小品” 诞生于全球新冠爆发之际,既直面当下的社会现实,也关注处于自然与社会动荡及危机下的普遍状况。当前的社会比以往任何时候都更依赖网络来运转与生息,展览强调了网络艺术所呈现的重要与活力。

展览“We=Link,十个小品”由新时线媒体艺术中心、那比艺术中心(首尔)、Rhizome新美术馆(纽约)、e-flux(纽约)、HeK(巴塞尔电子艺术中心)、iMal互动媒体艺术实验室(布鲁塞尔)、LABORATORIA 艺术与科学基金会(莫斯科)、列奥纳多/国际艺术-科学与技术协会、MU混合艺术空间(埃因霍温)、SETI AIR外星智能探索研究院艺术家驻留项目(加州山景城)以及V2_不稳定媒体(鹿特丹)共同呈现。新时线媒体艺术中心与那比艺术中心、Rhizome新美术馆联合委约了新作品制作。

本次展览亦作为纽约新美术馆“初见:在线新艺术” (First Look, New Art Online)专题呈现。

为支持网络艺术的论述与展示并延续We=Link平台,新时线媒体艺术中心计划于2020年秋全面呈现一个考察当下网络艺术生产模式的新展,并将其知识与艺术的渊源置于诸如“激进软件”(Radical Software), “不稳定媒体” (Unstable Media),以及“临时自治区”( Temporary Autonomous Zone )和“元设计”( Metadesign )等与既有的文化及商业模式逆向而行的历史轨迹中,以想象一个有机的与自创的网络。展览将探索在一个脸书、推特与微信盛行的时代中可能与90年代初期的网络社区如, 以及“域名空间”(Name.Space)等呼应的艺术策略;发掘在YouTube及Instagram 的威权下, 滞留在“国际电子咖啡馆”(Electronic Café International)的幽灵之居所;寻觅在IE与Safari主宰万维网的当下复活Netomat蓝图的愿景,亦或是欲求阻截谷歌、百度和亚马逊当代“数字圈地”之徒劳的固执。最重要的是,艺术家如何以开放网络的精神,通过创造性技术,使日益固态化的互联网重新变得松动与多变?艺术技术又如何前瞻式地促成认知资本主义(cognitive capitalism)和全景社会的前馈循环(feedforward)短路?

在位于上海M50艺术园区的实体展览同时,CAC还将联合多家国际艺术机构举办在线 特展。线上展欢迎来自世界各地的学生作品,作品要求以其有效的知识的视野和洞察 力,体现其在探索和实验网络力量方面的成就。 我们鼓励提交和推荐具有新洞见和冒 险精神的作品,就我们今天所知“网络”和“艺术”提出质疑,并以最有创意的方式与应用 揭示网络艺术的概念、生产和传播的新方向——网络与艺术,或艺术与网络。


新时线媒体艺术中心(CAC)成立于2013年,系国内首家致力于媒体艺术之展示 、研究/创作及学术交流的非营利性艺术机构。通过展览、驻留、奖学金、讲座、工 作坊及相关文献的梳理与出版,CAC为媒体艺术在全球语境中的论述、生产及传播 开拓了一个多样化且富有活力的平台。CAC以批判地介入不断改变进而重塑当代经 验的媒体技术来推动艺术创新及文化认知。


A Chronus Art Center (CAC) exhibition, a project of We=Link
November, 2020

Submission Deadline:
Click to Submit

We=Link is Chronus Art Center’s new platform for presenting online art. It was conceived in late February of 2020 as a response to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic which forced closures and suspensions of many arts institutions around the world.

We=Link launched its first online exhibition We=Link: Ten Easy Pieces on March 30, 2020, featuring artists aaajiao, Raphaël Bastide, Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne, JODI, LI Weiyi, Evan Roth, Slime Engine, Helmut Smits, Yangachi and YE Funa. The exhibition, which transpired during a moment of the eruption of the global pandemic, not only confronts the immediate social reality, but also addresses the general condition of the world at large under the pressing perils of natural and social disruptions and precariousness. The exhibition recapitulated the importance and vitality of net art at a time when societies more visibly than ever rely on networks to operate and carry on.

We=Link: Ten Easy Pieces was co-presented by Chronus Art Center (Shanghai), Art Center Nabi (Seoul), Rhizome of the New Museum (New York), e-flux (New York), HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel), iMAL (Brussels), LABORATORIA Art & Science Foundation (Moscow), Leonardo/ISAST, MU Hybrid Art House (Eindhoven), SETI AIR/SETI Institute (Mountain View), and V2_Lab for the Unstable Media (Rotterdam). Art Center Nabi and Rhizome of the New Museum contributed to the commission of new works.

The exhibition was also presented by New Museum's First Look, New Art Online.

As a commitment to support the discourse and presentation of net art and a continuation of the We=Link framework, Chronus Art Center is planning to mount a comprehensive exhibition in the fall of 2020, which aims to investigate the most current modes of net art production while situating its intellectual and artistic roots in the historical trajectory of Radical Software, Unstable Media, of the Temporary Autonomous Zone and Metadesign that circumvent and contest the established modus operandi both commercial and cultural, in order to imagine an organic and autopoietic network. The exhibition will seek to identify strategies that resonate with that of and Name.Space in the age of Facebook, Twitter and WeChat; discover shelters that inhabit the ghost of Electronic Café International at a time when YouTube and Instagram rule with supremacy; scavenge blue plans that resurrect the reverie of Netomat in the presence of the subsuming dominancy of IE and Safari or cling unto the futile recalcitrance attempting to hold back the digital Enclosure by the likes of Google, Baidu and Amazon. Above all, how artists have, via the means of creative technologies in the spirit of the open network made porous and volatile the increasingly reified internet and how artistic techniques may proactively short-circuit the feedforward loops of cognitive capitalism and spectacles of the panopticon society.

Parallel to the exhibition at CAC’s 500-square-meter (5380-square-foot) gallery, CAC will also organize an online component in collaboration with several international art institutions. This online show welcomes student works from around the world which demonstrate excellency in exploration in and experimentation with the potential of network through an informed purview and critical sensibility. We encourage submission and recommendation of works with new insights and risk-taking positions that problematize the net and art as we know it today and demonstrate new directions in the conception, production and distribution of net art in the most creative application of the word: network and art or art and network.


Established in 2013, Chronus Art Center (CAC) is China’s first nonprofit art organization dedicated to the presentation, research / creation and scholarship of media art. CAC with its exhibitions, residency-oriented fellowships, lectures and workshop programs and through its archiving and publishing initiatives, creates a multifaceted and vibrant platform for the discourse, production and dissemination of media art in a global context. CAC is positioned to advance artistic innovation and cultural awareness by critically engaging with media technologies that are transforming and reshaping contemporary experiences.

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